Our New Technological Society......

Our New Technological Society......
How many children now recognise this image?

Food for Thought...

While researching elements of Bebo, I came across these two very interesting blogs:

Bebo overtakes MySpace in the UK by ZDNet's Steve O'Hear -- Comscore data for July reveals that Bebo is now the number one visited social networking site in the UK, overtaking MySpace. Sitting in third place is Facebook.

Bebo launches ‘long tail’ music store by ZDNet's Steve O'Hear -- In a move similar to MySpace Music, Bebo has partnered with 7digital to offer a music download service. Now any of the 450,000 registered bands on Bebo can start selling their music on the social networking site via 7digital's 'indiestore' widget.

The Last Word....

Over the course of this Blog, I have explored the merit of using this new technology and its application in education. My research clearly suggests that Bebo should be used in a positive manner to promote E-Learning. As stated by Wilson (2001) “To take on a meaningful role, online educational resources must become easy to use, effective and contribute significantly to students’ learning” (p.1). Therefore it is up to educationalists to stop ignoring social networks and instead use them to promote internet safety and positive E-Learning.

Bebo and similar sites continue to grow and become established strands of information technology. Through this valuable learning medium, Bebo students are now able to explore a variety of media. By creating their own personal profile, they are able to add images, video clips and upload music that is of interest to them. They also can create ‘widgets’ that will demonstrate their unique interests and thought patterns.

Using this interesting and unique technology, schools could use Bebo as a base for key learning where classrooms interconnect with each other. Through online discussions, students could share information needed for a particular subject or create blogs and polls in relation to a current topic they are investigating. The teacher would be able to monitor each page to ensure that effective leaning is taking place and guide them when necessary so that they take full advantage of the processes.

The importance of technological practice is supported by Guhlin (2007) where he states, “The more children are encouraged to expand their digital repertoire, the more adept they become at using tools for different purposes” (p.4). This bold statement outlines how using social networks such as Bebo can have a great effect on all children as they become familiar with using a variety of technology in a number of different contexts.

It is acknowledged there are many negative affects of social interfaces such as Bebo. Due to the naive nature of children there have been some unfortunate examples of negative experiences using Bebo. However due to this growing concern from parents and the general public, strategies are being put in place to enhance the security of children and protect them from potentially harmful elements. Bebo has established a link that promotes interest safety and outlines how users can protect their identities (see Must See Links blog entry).

Even though the internet does have negative capability, a set protocol for students could eliminate potential problems. Many activities that children undertake are potentially dangerous and the internet in the modern world is no exception. Instead of blocking the use of these sites, teachers have a real opportunity to discuss their use and provide guidelines that can offer a blueprint for its use. An example of how teachers can enhance children’s skills would be to get them to create a movie that promotes internet safety and how to use Bebo positively.

One constraint in the wide application of E-Learning and Bebo in particular is the reluctance of some educationalists to embrace our technological society. A positive attitude toward E-Learning is a good indicator of whether a teacher will promote E-Learning in the classroom. If teachers are not computer literate they may find it difficult to teach their students the value of technology, including Bebo. It is more common for a student to be more technologically advanced than their teacher and this is a valuable opportunity to get students to become independent thinkers and pass on their accumulated knowledge.

In summary, Bebo is an exceptional way to enhance students’ technological and social skills. By using different forms of media, such as images, video and widgets discussed in this blog, students learn that their digital world is an informative and exciting one.
Even though students have adapted to digital learning with ease this does not mean that technology should dominate education. There needs to be a balance between virtual and real time learning. Online learning should be seen as an integral part of daily activities, not a separate component. If students are able to learn through networks that are of interest to them, not only will they enhance their technological skills they will be better prepared for the technological society of the future.

"You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives."
Clay P. Bedford


Guhlin, M. (2007). Courage can't see around corners, but goes around them anyway. Retrieved 01 November, 2007, from http://www.edsupport.cc/mguhlin/archives/2007/01/entry_2717.htm
Wilson, G. (2001). The Promise of Online Education: EL Dorado or Fool's Gold. Retrieved 01 November, 2007, from http://fno.org/sept01/online.html

How Does Bebo Link to The New Zealand Curriculum?

Although not commonly realised, Bebo links to four essential learning areas in the New Zealand curriculum; Language and Languages, The Arts, Social Sciences and Technology. If Bebo was used as a positive learning tool, students could enhance their skills in a number of areas.

Language and Languages

Through Bebo, individuals are constantly reading and writing in a variety of ways. By creating their own personal profile and posting comments they are practicing their English literacy skills. Following instructions is an important part of the development process and through Bebo individuals can add videos and images by following a set formula.

The Arts

Students are able to explore their creativity and use their design skills to create widgets and enhance video and photo albums. The system encourages them to make creative choices and determine what elements they would like to add to their profile page.

Social Sciences

According to The Ministry of Education (1993) Social Sciences is “A broad understanding of society is essential if students are to take their full place within it as confident, informed, and responsible participants” (p.14). Exploring the different media on Bebo enables students to explore areas such as images and videos from all around the world.


Technology is clearly evident when exploring different components of Bebo. Individuals are not only using their existing technological skills but continue to develop new ones. As stated by The Ministry of Education (1993) “All students need to develop technological skills and understandings which are relevant to the world in which they live” (p.13). Through Bebo students are able to communicate with those around them in an interesting an engaging manner. Their enthusiasm for Bebo encourages motivation and promotes learning by enhancing their technological skills.

Ministry of Education. (1993). The New Zealand Curriculum Framework. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media Limited.

Must See Links...

The following links are excellent examples of the tension caused between Bebo and effective E-Learning. Both positive and negative elements are Incorporated into these videos (I did try to put these videos straight onto my blog but it could not be done).
The following link is a You Tube video titled 'Bebo The Movie". It explores Bebo from a realistic perspective:

This link promotes internet safety and should be viewed by all students before they create a personal bebo profile:

The Craze Continues....New Elements To Bebo!

As the popularity of Bebo is increasing, more elements are being added to make the website more interesting.
Bebo Authors:

In February this year, Bebo Authors was launched. On this section of the site, authors can upload chapters of their books and also get them reviewed. However, currently there is no module to display books on a profile page as there is for Bands and Groups.

Bebo Mobile

In October this year, Bebo launched a mobile service which allows users to receive text alerts and update their profile via their mobile phone. However this is only currently available in the UK.

Exploring Bebo's Media - Music and Widgets

Bebo Widgets

Creating widgets are the new Bebo craze. When researching the popularity of widgets I came across this interesting article from http://mashable.com/2006/12/14/bebo-widgets/:

Bebo Launches Bebo Widgets - 100,000 Widgets Created in 12 HoursDecember 14, 2006 — 11:15 PM PST — by Pete CashmoreShare This

Widget developers should be deeply interested in Bebo’s latest move. They’ve just launched Bebo Widgets, and they’re reporting 100,000 widgets created by users in the first 12 hours. What’s Bebo Widgets? In case you can’t guess, it’s a service that finally allows some selected developers to gain access to those valuable Bebo profiles.
For now, they’re supporting
RockYou, Photobucket and Slide.com, with RockYou offering the most advanced options. Users have a special section in their profiles where these widgets are embedded, and multiple widgets can be added. The move explains why I spotted a Bebo logo appearing on RockYou on Sunday. Users can add the widgets to their profiles by typing their Bebo username and password on the partner site (this uses Bebo’s new widget API), or by returning to Bebo and pasting the code. They also have a viral element: if you see a widget on another profile that you want to post on your own - maybe a slideshow of a party all your friends attended - you can add it to your profile with two clicks.
However, users can only insert code from the three selected sites. Just like Bebo’s video section, which only allows video from
YouTube and VideoEgg, they’ve locked down the service and prevented a huge developer community from establishing itself. If Bebo was to open up in this way, it would provide one of the biggest platforms for external development, meaning that a block by MySpace wouldn’t be the end of the world for sites like VideoCodeZone. I sincerely hope they’ll consider it.

To create a Bebo widget, all you need to do (when you are in your personal profile page) is click on the link 'create a widget'. This link sends you to a page where you choose exactly what you want by following the simple instructions. Through widgets you can create image slideshows, signs and fun photos.

Bebo Music/Bands:

The music links on Bebo are increasing in popularity. By clicking on the 'music' tab at the top of your profile page, you are able to search for your favourite bands, create fan groups and playlist charts. The following explanation of this music epidemic is discussed on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bebo

On 11 July 2006, "Bebo Bands" was launched. On this section of the site, bands or solo artists are able to create a profile showcasing their music. Along with undiscovered talents, it has a section called "New Music Only on Bebo" linking to established artist pages including Paris Hilton, Matt Willis, Orson, Coldplay, Kylie Minogue, The Kooks, Lily Allen, U2 and others.
The band pages include a band member list which is similar to the friends list on a normal profile, a list of "fans" (fans who have added the band as though it were a friend), an area for tour dates, a blog, and a list of songs which have been uploaded for playing through Bebo's media player, or to be added to other user's playlists. These songs can be grouped by the band into albums, along with cover-art. All band members can edit the content of the band profile.
Although the Bebo Band section is intended for use by musical groups, the facility is also used by many to form clubs or societies, or as unofficial fan pages for established bands.

Both widgets and music on bebo continue to transform and adapt over time.

Exploring Bebo's Media - Images and Videos

Please Note: To use these Bebo elements you have to be a member of Bebo. If you are not a member, click here http://bebo.com/InviteJoin.jsp?Member=N to sign up.

There are a number of components that can be explored in Bebo. The four types that are commonly used on Bebo is uploading images, videos, music and creating widgets. One of the great aspects of Bebo is that it has step by step instructions that explain how to upload images, music and videos and also how to create widgets. This simple process makes it more enjoyable for the user and limits confusion and unnecessary frustration.

Uploading Images:

Once you have established and designed a personal profile (see Vanessa’s blog for design details) you will be ready to upload photos. You can upload any photo onto your Bebo profile as long as the images are not explicit in any form.
All you need to do is click on the link ‘photos’. This will open a new page with another link ‘create an album’. Once you click on this link you have made the first step to creating your own personal photo album.
Once this new page is open it allows you to do the following:

Put in the name/title of your album
Write a description about the photos in the album
Choose whether you will let anyone else copy the photos from your album.
Choose whether you only want your direct friends to view your photos or anyone who visits your personal profile.

The following message will occur:
If you experience problems with our multiple upload feature please click here to upload just one photo at a time.
Uploading inappropriate photos of any kind is against our Terms of Service and WILL result in your membership being cancelled without notice. Photos of naked people are considered 'inappropriate', this ain't no porn site.
Photos Over 2MB in Size?Windows users can download this handy resize tool from Microsoft - ImageResizerPowertoySetup.exe. Once installed just select your photos, right mouse click, and choose 'Resize Pictures', then choose Small (640x480).What type of photos can I upload?Images must be in the JPEG, GIF, BITMAP or PNG photo format and a maximum of 2MB in size. If you try and upload a larger file, the upload will fail. If your photo is larger than 2MB you must resize the photo prior to uploading. Most digital cameras include software to do this.

Once you have completed the areas above, you are now ready to upload your photos. All you need to do is click on the ‘browse’ button and search for your photos on your personal computer. Once you have found the photo you wish to add to your Bebo profile, you double click on it and wait for it to upload.
You then repeat this process to add more photos, under the same album.

If you would like to add another album, you can do so by repeating the same process. One advantage of Bebo photos is that you can copy them off friends profiles and add them to your own album. You can also write comments about your photos or make a comment about a friend’s photo.

Also, you may choose to use one of the photos you have uploaded as your profile picture (the picture that is displayed of you that all your friends can see). To do this you click on your uploaded picture, then click on the link below that says “Use as profile photo”.

The advantages of adding images on Bebo are endless. You can create albums, add comments, choose your album and profile pictures, rearrange your photos, add photos from friend’s profiles and delete any unwanted pictures.

Uploading Videos:

I came across this fantastic link that helps to explain how to upload videos http://update.videoegg.com/bebo.html. I recommend this site to anyone who finds uploading Bebo videos difficult.

Bebo a Growing Concern?

The users of Bebo are getting younger. The following article was retrieved from http://www.siliconrepublic.com/news/news.nv?storyid=single7287 and discusses how Bebo is affecting children. However, instead of focusing on the negatives, shouldn't we use this research to promote positive Bebo elements and online safety?

One in three public Bebo pages belong to children

Entries sought for Digital Media AwardsVaried web woven for Golden SpidersMySpace and Google join forces on social appsFirms beginning to use Facebook to recruit staff
01.11.2006 - Of two million publicly viewable Bebo pages, more than one in three pages belong to children aged between 13 and 17, new research has found. According to one expert, this means that a person can view a child’s Bebo website with “no accountability and virtually zero traceability”. The research was conducted by two PhD scholars from the National University of Ireland Maynooth who have launched their own social networking site.Des Traynor is a lecturer and PhD scholar in the Department of Computer Science at Maynooth and is an expert in computer science education. Andrew Page is a researcher and PhD scholar in the Department of Computer Science and is an expert in distributed computing.They warn that parents must get to grips with new technologies such as social networks and the use of private profiles in order to protect children from cyber-stalkers.In the past year the pair have launched their own social networking site called Bigulo.com, which claims to have the same demographics as Bebo.com and performs over 10,000 searches a day for users from Ireland, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the US. Traynor and Page’s Bigulo.com can be used to search networks such as Bebo to find people based on name/gender/location and currently holds more than two million entries. In the interests of safety, Bigulo does not permit searching for anyone under the age of 18.According to a survey performed by Traynor and Page, of two million viewable Bebo pages, more than one in three pages belong to children aged between 13 and 17.“This means, in effect, that a person can view a child’s Bebo website with no accountability and virtually zero traceability whatsoever; this has to worry parents,” said Traynor.He recommends that a few simple steps can greatly increase a child’s safety using Bebo, primarily asking your child to make sure that their profile is kept private.“Having a private profile means that only their friends can look at their page and make contact with them. This will make it extremely difficult for any so called cyber-stalkers to initiate contact with them in the first place.”To make a Bebo profile private you simply deselect ‘Public’ in Bebo Homepage settings.“Secondly, warn your children about the dangers of adding ‘friends’ they don’t know or haven’t met in real life,” added Traynor. He said that a potential attacker could create a profile pretending to be a 15-year old girl and could then deceive your child into forming an online friendship. “The golden rule here is: if you don’t know, say no.”Finally, the most difficult step of all is to convince your child to tell you their password or at the very least let you view their page from time to time.“Children and teenagers are usually protective of secrecy and don’t want their parents to know what is happening in their life, but if you can get them to show you their page even once a month you’ll be able to check that nothing inappropriate is happening on their page”.Traynor is quick to point out that despite the bad reputation it has gained recently, Bebo is not to blame for the upsurge in internet-related attacks “Services such as Bebo have been around for years; Bebo is just the most popular in Ireland at the moment. The only solution to the problems posed by online interactions is to educate children properly on how best to protect themselves online.“The survey also provided some interesting statistics about the popularity of Bebo usage. Bebo is most popular with the school and college market, with 95pc of the pages sampled falling into that age range. Also, Bebo has slightly more females than males, a mix of 56:44 in favour of females.By John Kennedy

Bebo and N.Z Television!

The influence of Bebo in New Zealand's society is evident. Have a look at this article I retrieved from http://mashable.com/category/bebo

New Zealand TV Network for Bebo Users OnlyOctober 14, 2007 — 10:51 PM PDT — by Kristen NicoleShare This2 Comments

Bebo has penned an exclusive partnership with TVNZ, the New Zealand television network, for access to premium content. This marks the first such deal for TVNZ with an online social network.
TVNZ’s entertainment, news and current affairs content will be made available on Bebo. The deal includes access to the premium content for advertisers as well, making it a means for ad and content distribution across niche targets within Bebo’s large social network. The selling of display and video advertising will be limited to New Zealand, however, and no details indicating if these ads will be sold through
With Bebo’s market reach in New Zealand having doubled in the past year, it’s prime time for TVNZ to begin to market to Bebo users in a distribution partnership that’s become commonplace for social networks like
MySpace and of course video-sharing networks like YouTube and others.
via geekzone]

Why Promote Bebo?

In the past ten years, our society has become increasingly technological. Children are progressively spending more time using technology and often are more knowledgeable about certain technological ideas than many adults.

It is generally agreed that fast pace technological advances are not going to cease and as time progresses children are going to be more involved and influenced by technology in every avenue of society.

New social developments on the web such as Bebo, Facebook and You Tube have had a significant response from user groups, especially children. Currently there is major concern that some of these organisations can promote negative attitudes and effects such as cyber-bullying.

Often these critics overlook the positive contribution these new developments make to new approaches such as E-Learning where individuals learn how to use technology in a way they have not previously experienced. Children as young as 5 are learning how to add images and videos to websites and also design simple web pages.

The significance of Bebo is stated on the Bebo website (2007):

“Bebo (www.bebo.com) is the largest social networking site in the UK, Ireland, and New Zealand, and the third largest behind MySpace and Facebook in the United States. Officially launched in July 2005, Bebo has more than 34 million registered members viewing 7 billion monthly page views. Bebo was the most searched for term in 2006 according to
Google Zeitgeist and Bebo received the 2006 Webby Award People's Vote as the best social networking site in the world. The executive team has a significant background in the viral marketing and the online social networking space starting up and building companies such as Birthday Alarm, Ringo, and Friendster. Located in San Francisco, Bebo recently received a round of funding of $15MM led by Benchmark Capital”.

Like the web itself Bebo and similar sites have developed because users want them to. Overtime they will change but have greater social influence in the future and educationalists will need to use these social network sites as a positive way to promote E-Learning.

Throughout this blog I will be looking at different media forms that can be used on Bebo and analyse and explore the contribution it can make to education in general.